Sunday, November 1, 2009


Facebook is really a wonderful way for families that live far apart to catch up with each other. In the last week I've heard from a first cousin that I haven't seen or spoken to in probably 50+ years. His family moved west when he was a child and the communication between his Father and mine discontinued. There was no e-mail back then and I guess other than traditional mail or telephone it was up to one or the other to keep in contact and I guess neither thought it important enough. I remember my Dad giving me fatherly advice to "Never burn your bridges", one of many he bestowed on me. I guess he didn't exercise his own advice about keeping in touch with family, something I truly try to do.

It's nice just hearing from him and possibly in the near future we'll be able to connect a little bit more via e-mail. I'm going to LA in a few weeks for a family Bar Mitzvah and I'm looking forward to seeing as many as I can. Our last clan get to gether was a Chicago affair with my Mom's side of the family. Thank goodness my sister and I still love each other and try to keep in touch as much as possible. I could never understand why some families hold grudges and  see each other at funerals only to realize how petty their arguments that kept them apart really were. Hurt feelings is something that can easily be corrected if one of the parties involved wants to take the first step. I usualy take the TEVYA approach, "But on the other hand" which sometimes upsets my wife. Life is too damned short to hold grudges between family members. So take it from the oldest cousin, smile and call someone today.

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