Yesterday was a wonderful day. I got to spend the whole day with my grandson Brad. He is my associate in doing photos at golf tournaments and yesterday we had a full day, double tournament for the LENEXA CHAMBER. It was a little cool in the am portion but as the day wore on the weather turned spectacular, a perfect 75 degrees. We've been doing this together now for quite some time and we have our routine down to a science. We can shoot a complete shotgun tournament, usually 36 teams of four, in less than 3 hours. This includes taking all the team photos, processing them on our portable printers and furnishing each player with a 5x7 photo in a cardboard mount before the tournament is finished, are we a team or what? Brad actually does all the work since my running days are behind me. I just drive the cart and enjoy the sun, well somebody's got to do it. I remember the first tournament I did in 1984, The Len Dawson Charity event at Longview Golf Course, twenty five years ago. When we had our photo store I would drive out take the photos (35mm film), drive back to the store, process and frame the photos and drive back to the golf course, some over 35 miles away. Today it's such a pleasure. We carry our printers and computers and make only one trip, what a difference. In the past I would do up to 30 tournaments a year but do to the poor economy sponsors are hard to find and we're lucky to do ten. But I'm always a winner because I get to spend the day with my grandson.
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