Yesterday was a mixed day. Had to spend almost 3 hours with my lawyer on a deposition, hopefully all went well. Funny thing happened after I made a customer delivery in Lenexa. I had to make a quick restroom stop as soon as I could, I'm sure that you all have had the same urgency problem at one time or another. I stopped at a friends Mr. Goodcents restaurant nearby, used the facility, said my hello's and goodbyes and as I was leaving I was stopped by two of my old customers from the photo business. We spent a few minutes together talking about what I had been doing since closing the store and the conversation (I'm sure, by my choosing) came to my book, Making Happy. I gave them one of my cards, told them where it was available and left. As I got into my car I smacked my self "Shmuck, you've got a book right here, see if they want it". I took the book inside and asked if they would like a signed copy. "Certainly" they replied and book number 110 was sold.
Last night we went to a great concert at a local synagogue and saw many old friends and old family members from first marriage and the great saleman I am, handed out 4 more cards. I'm sure that at least two will buy. One of my old friends that purchased a copy stopped me and told me how much she enjoyed the story and was surprised that I told all that I did. It seems that all of my old friends never knew of my storied but true adventure.
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