Saturday, April 3, 2010


We had our family dinner and again it was great food and even greater attendance. My son, who has only attended one family dinner in the past 25 years surprised us all by showing up. What a great present it was especially for me because it gave us 100% attendance. The kids were noisy as they ran through the apartment but to me it is a noise of fun and thankfullness that all of our grandchildren and great grandchild are healthy and beautiful.

Over the years we've noticed how tastes have changed especially when it comes to chopped liver, once a delicasy, now an overwhelming, "no thanks". They don't know what they're missing. They should only know that it's tradition to have it at Passover just as is Matzoh Balls and Tzimis. The next generation will miss these traditional foods and the heartburn accompanying the consumption.

Our family table is like a United Nations gathering with different nationalities all joining together. Our newest addition is our new grandaughter Tanya and her daughter Alycia stemming from the marriage of our grandson Brad, father of our great grandson Connor. our fourth generation. We now have as part of our extended family my son in law who was born in Uganda and Tanya who is Hispanic. I had a great big smile on my face as I looked around the room at our beautiful mixed family. I feel so lucky and blessed that we live in such a great country.

I remember when we used to hide the afi komen (matzoh) for the kids to find after dinner and the finder would get a dollar. Monday, ten children received a five dollar bill. I wonder who made the new rules? 

We had 25 adults and children which made it pretty crowded but everyone seemed to enjoy the evening. Most left with full stomachs and a lot of tupperware containers filled with enough food for a few more days of belches and gas. If we could just find a way to bottle it, it would probably run our vehicles. All you could hear from the adults was. "I ate too much", "I couldn't eat another thing",  "I'm so full my stomach hurts". Until the desserts were served, a great passover cheesecake and a wonderful chocolate flourless cake.  And would you believe, we finished four bottles of wine, a first for our family Passover. My wife also made enough chopped liver for us to share with some of our friends who all seemed to enjoy the additional cholestral entering their systems. What the heck, it's only once a year, so enjoy. I'm still waiting for my gribness.

Have a great day or even a better one.

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