Sunday, April 18, 2010


This last week was one of the most confusing weeks of news concerning Pres. Obama's relationship with Israel. Is he pro Israel as he has said many times in the past or has he changed his mind to a Pro Palestinian stance? Many of the articles written proclaim that he is more concerned about building apartments in Jerusalem than Nukes in Iran. The articles mention the past agreements concerning the beginnings of the State of Israel when the Arabs declined the offer to remain in their homes and become an integral part of Israel. They turned it down and left. Now that they've seen how Israel has prospered in everything they've done to improve the land and living conditions, they want to come back. Fine, but stop the shelling and constant intimidation. No where else is Freedom of Religion for all faiths recognized than Israel. Muslims, Catholics, Buddhists, etc. are free to practise as they wish. One article I read (true or not) tells of the GOP overwhelmingly in support of Israel than the Democrats who now support Obama's views concerning Israel. I voted for Obama because I believed and still do, that he was the right person. I hope and pray that all the naysayers are wrong. The one thing that my friends and I don't do, is talk politics. Why risk long time friendships. The basic thing we all believe is that Israel is America's only ally in the middleast. Feel free to voice your opinions.

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